Thank you, all, so very much for your kind words and numerous “Likes” when I post my photographs on social media, mostly Facebook and Twitter. There is so much to like about the entire area – the Inlet, the Bridge, the Beach and all that the State Park has to offer. I thoroughly enjoy photographing the myriad scenes in the area – and enjoy sharing what I see with others.
Please note that this website is NOT an official site nor is it “connected” to the Indian River Inlet community, the Indian River Marina or the Delaware Seashore State Park.
This is a “Fan Page” – actually a Photography & Fan Page – for the Charles W. Cullen Bridge over the Indian River Inlet in Delaware, which is a picturesque landmark for beach lovers, for boaters, for fishermen (both inland bay fishing and ocean surf fishing), for campers, for nature lovers and for history buffs. There is a bit of something for a very wide range of interests.
The Indian River area and the Delaware Seashore State Park are wonderful destinations for people who love the beach and water-related activities. We hope to share much of what this area has to offer through the lens of a camera and a bit of descriptive narrative. There will be art photography offered for purchase and a variety of other products, all with a focus on “the bridge” and its surroundings.
If you see me wandering around or diving around, stop and say “Hi” and maybe chat for a while. It will be my pleasure to meet you. Meanwhile, visit to see what is available for sale as prints and home decor items.